Do You Need an Attorney for a Restraining Order?

If you are suffering abuse at the hands of a family member, spouse, or former partner, contact The Law Office of Andrew J. Williams for a consultation about your cause. Our attorneys can act as the legal aid you need to help get the legal injunction you may need to give you and your family time to heal and put your life back in order. Our offices serve Harris County, Montgomery County, Liberty County, and San Jacinto County.

Under 0.08? You Can Still Be Convicted

Texas, like most states takes a hard stance on intoxicated drivers. Police are more vigilant than ever on the highways, pulling over suspected drunk drivers and using the full extent of their powers. Even drivers who invive seemingly small amounts of alcohol may be subject to arrest and the legal consequences it may bring.

DUI Stops: When Should You Plead the 5th?

Getting behind the wheel of a car can be a risky endeavor, even if you have had only a couple drinks. Texas highway patrol and law enforcement often look for what they believe to be tell tale signs of driving while intoxicated (DWI). Even if drivers believe they have not committed an infraction, law enforcement will use even the slightest false step against them.

Could You Be The Victim of a Mandatory Minimum?

Mandatory minimum sentences are guidelines courts must follow when handing down punishment in criminal cases. In Texas, courts must sentence criminal offenders to legally mandated sentences convicted of felony charges. The minimum amount of jail time depends on the severity of the crime and felony classification.

Will You Go to Jail for a DUI in Texas?

If you are pulled over by the police in Texas under suspicion of driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, you may go to jail. Your sentence, or even whether or not you will be convicted, may depend on many different factors.

Texas Marijuana Possession

While marijuana laws are changing, Texas still has some of the toughest laws in the U.S. when it comes to the possession and sale of cannabis. Even small amounts of the drug can land you in jail for several months and incur expensive fines. Although the Texas governor recently signed the state’s first medical marijuana bill, personal possession and sale are still illegal.

Probable Causes for a DWI Stop

Driving under the influence of alcohol is a serious offence and may have long term impacts on your life if convicted. Often times, drivers get behind the wheel believing their ability to operate a vehicle remains unimpaired yet their actions may indicate otherwise to law enforcement officers. Texas law gives police many probable causes for a DWI stop.