TIPS ON HOW TO AVOID GETTING A TRAFFIC TICKETAVOID TRAFFIC TICKETS: A FEW TIPS YOU SHOULD KEEP IN MIND.Traffic stops are inconvenient at the least and unnerving at worst. It gets worse when the officer tells you about your outstanding warrant while he puts the cuffs on you. Now you remember you should have paid ticket you meant to take care of but just couldn’t find the time. Ooops! People don’t realize that judges can issue warrants to arrest them if they don’t appear in court. You can get arrested if you don’t appear in court on a minor traffic violation. THE FOLLOWING ARE A FEW TIPS ON HOW TO AVOID TRAFFIC TICKETS.
FINAL THOUGHTS ON HOW TO AVOID TRAFFIC TICKETS.You can also avoid traffic tickets stop by being nice, polite and respectful, even if the officer is not. Likewise, it never helps to argue with the cop. Just because he is a jerk, doesn’t mean you have respond in kind. But arguing and complaining will get you a traffic. The officer will make a written note that you were a jerk at your traffic stop. Thus when he goes to court, he will remember you and go out of his way to get you convicted of your speeding ticket. Also traffic stops can be a minor inconvenience or a real pain. Being nice can you get back to your day within minutes without a ticket. But being a jerk, can get you a traffic ticket. Thus being nice can put on your way with citation in hand and an order to appear in court later. This of course will lead to more inconvenience. But a good traffic ticket attorney can help you out. And you can avoid a conviction on your driving and insurance record. Being stopped for a traffic violation is inconvenient. But wait until you get to traffic court in downtown Houston. At 8:00 a.m.. The court bailiff usually prepares everyone with “expect to be here most of the day.” And of course the officer you argued with will give you a polite smile as he walks by and recognizes you. IT’S YOUR CHOICE. THIS IS BY NO MEANS A GUARANTEE TO AVOID TRAFFIC TICKETS. BUT IT’S ONE OF THE BEST WAYS I KNOW OF AND IT HAS WORKED FOR ME..HAPPY DRIVING By Andrew Williams, board certified criminal defense lawyer. Published: Sep 17, 2016awilliams15, Uncategorized,
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